Spicy Taxi


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Thai taxi “tuktuk” bounty hunting race attraction

You can enjoy an over 360 spin and doing a wheelie☆
Get on the cute and colorful "tuktuk" ride A new concept race attraction in which you go bounty hunting!
Up to 4 people can ride it, so it is good for families as well♪

Waite times & Maps
From the beach to the jungle and even running through the streets in the city!?

Race through courses full with the atmosphere of a tropical country!

"Tom", the super MC will take you through the fun ride☆
Yam and Kung, the mischievous monkeys are around be wary of their mischief!

Knowledge, decision making and teamwork are the key☆
Take on the quizzes and mini games and if you clear them, you have a chance to get a high bounty!
Aim for the highest bounty prize and earn fun?

Attraction information

Capacity 4 people (1 ride)
*5 rides at once (maximum of 20 people)
Price 700 yen(1 person) *Passport-Ticket available.
Height restriction Over 90cm *Please see The following conditions.
① For people whose height is 90cm or more and less than 110cm
·requied to be accompanied by a guardian.
·the ride will be stopped while it`s operating.

② For people whose height is 110cm over.

*Please read the guidance of this ride for details.