Permanent Closure Notice

ZERO LATANCY VR closed permanently on May 12th,2024.
Thank you very much for your patronage.



A creation from the Australian company, ZERO LATENCY, who are the first to create a virtual attraction where 6 people can play at the same time.It used to be a shooting game when it was first incorporated.

It was first tested in Melbourne for a year as a Beta version. It then went viral on the social networks and it is a big hit that cannot be contained. So this time they decided to turn it into a full official service.


It gives the game a realistic aspect.

The particularity of the ‘ZERO LATENCY VR' is that the players can roam freely in the attraction space, they can also team up with and play 6 people at a time. Since it is necessary to put on a head mount display (HMD) with the latest VR technology and with the free roam multi-play, it gives the game a realistic aspect.

Important Notice

Please make sure to confirm the following before using.
It is necessary to understand and agree with all precautions, restrictions and rules when you make reservations.

In the following cases the application
cannot be accepted
・Age: Under age 13
・Height: under 110 cm
・During pregnancy
・A person who has just consumed alcohol
・A person with high blood pressure, with a neck, back or heart condition
・If you suffer from any other type of condition please check with the staff
・A person with impaired sight
・A person that has motion sickness, or has sickness related to 3D or VR
・A person who cannot follow the rules or the orders from the staff
・A person who has suffered a condition and are not sensible to light, sound or sudden movement.
・A person that has an fracture part of the body
・A person who is sensible to loud noises
・A person who is afraid of dark places
・A person who is afraid of closed spaces
・A person in an unwell condition
The people in the following cases,
please inform the staff during reservation
・If you are physically challenged
・A person who has an attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
・A person with impaired hearing
・A person with autism
・A person with a mental handicap
・A person using a wheelchair
*About the limits in the use of the rides, please contact the Tokyo Joypolis office directly
Phone number:03-5500-1801

Usage Restriction

These precautions are currently in use, at this date of December 1st,2023.

1 guest:2,200 yen(tax included)
1 guest:2,500 yen(tax included)
Payment method

You will pay at the time of your reservation using your credit card / PayPal
The guest who will be making the reservation will pay for the entire purchase

*You cannot use cash to pay.
In order to enter the TOKYO JOYPOLIS you must pay a separate fee. Please purchase an entrance ticket or one of the passports.
*Please check here for information for the day tickets (entrance ticket / passport etc.).
Passport cannot be used

Age restriction
13 years or older(guests who are 12 years or less cannot use.)
Regarding the play time etc.
・The duration is 30 min.(briefing (explanation)time 15 min.+play time 15 min.)
・The limit number of players is up to 6 guests.
*Depending on the number of guests, you might play with other guests.
Clothing during the game
You will be carrying an approximately 4kg backpack on your back, and move around holding an approximately 2kg gun.
・Please play wearing clothes and footwear which are easy to move in for your own safety.
*Depending on your footwear, we may have you switch them with the footwear that we prepared at our facility.
*There is no area for changing clothes in our facility.
*Before you play, please leave large pieces of luggage (suitcases, etc.) inside the lockers of our facility.
・Before you play, please take off and leave any accessories such as ear piercings, necklaces, watches, etc. and leave them with your luggage inside the lockers
・Please remove your glasses when you put on the headset.(You can make adjustments depending on your eye sight.)
・During the game, please hold the gun tight with both hands, and if you are not able to operate the equipment you will not be able to play.
Regarding the email address that will be used(Same is for the members)
Please use your email address for you computer.
⚠ There are many cases where the letters appear un-readable with carrier email and email that can be received only with a smart phone.
* / / ,etc.
⚠ You cannot make a reservation using a feature phone.
⚠ If you are blocking emails coming from overseas with your settings you will not be able to receive the emails, so please temporarily disable the setting.
There are many cases in which the email address is input incorrectly, so please be careful.
⚠ If you enter the wrong email address, you will not be able to receive important notifications.
Examples of when important notifications are not received
①Characters other than half cased alphabetic letters and numbers are included.
②Unnecessary spaces are put in front and behind the address.
③‘,(commas)' or ‘…’(continuous dots)are included.
④There is a dot next to the @ (at sign) as can be seen in‘' etc.
⑤There is a dot at the beginning as can be seen in ‘'.
About the reservation and the cancelation
About the pre-reservations conditions.
⚠ Please go on with the reservation after agreeing to our terms of use.
The rendezvous time is the same as the reservation time.
Example: [Appointment Time] 12:30 ⇒ [Rendezvous Time] 12:30
We do not refund for cancelations
⚠ No matter the situation, we do not refund for cancelations
You can change the date or time from up to more than 15 days before, But from 14 days before the reserved day, no more changes can be made.
Example:If you made a reservation for Dec. 31st, you will not be able to make changes after Dec. 17th on ward.
◆You can make changes by logging in to your portal screen which you can access
from the ‘here' (link) that is in your reservation completion email,
or from the log-in button on the top left part of the reservation screen.
The reservation process
①Please show the ‘reservation completion email' at the reception counter, 15 minutes before your reserved time for ‘ZERO LATENCY VR'.
*The tickets cannot be sent.
②Together with your guest(s) we will go over the usage restrictions.
③We will have you enter your information such as your email address, height, and which hand is your dominant hand.
Reservation start date When your reservation will be released
The 20th of each month. From the 1st to the 15th of next month.
The 5th of each month. From the 16th to the end of the month.
* To prevent the infectious spread of novel coronavirus,we are operating the once an hour. *There are cases when the reservation time is changed without any warning.
Overview of the games that will be played



≪Plot Overview≫
In the world after the apocalypse, where zombies still infest, a live TV show is a hot topic, drawing people's attention!
It’s called “UNDEAD ARENA”- where quirky prize seekers gather to shoot down the zombies released one after another on stage!
Zombies mercilessly attack from all over the place, members shooting like they have gone out of their minds...
The flashy and crazy battle is about to have a showtime in history, where you become a legend if you win, or off to a zombie hell if you lose!

*The image is enhanced for advertisement purposes.

OUTBREAK ORIGINS -Zombie Survival episode0-


Plot Overview≫
In a world where mankind and civilization are under the threat of being annihilated due to the spread of a virus that turns humans into zombies...
A Special Force led by its commander keeps fighting every day to maintain social order.
In that time, information about the development of a serum comes to them.
The Special Force headed the research facility in order to obtain the serum to save the world without knowing what was waiting for them...
Will the Special Force be able to get the serum and save the human race...?

*The image is enhanced for advertisement purposes.



≪Plot Overview≫
All communication was lost from the space station floating in satellite orbit.
When the special force, Black Team invaded in, no human was found and ruthless attacks by humanoid robots and drones were repeated as they regarded the team intruders.
Can you escape your way out as a member of the special force and fight the imminent threat of enemies?!

*The image is enhanced for advertisement purposes.
★The 17:00 and 17:30 sessions, 18:00 and 18:30 sessions cannot be played consecutively.
★In order to enter the TOKYO JOYPOLIS you must pay a separate fee. Please purchase an entrance ticket or one of the passports. ★Private events are not accepted at ZERO LATENCY VR.
*A reservation conformation email, etc. will be sent to you from ・
Please adjust your settings, so that you can receive emails at the registered email address.